
Dykal Health & Wellness Knowledge Base

Frequent Questions and Answers

What is Menopause?

Natural menopause is defined as the permanent cessation of menstrual periods for at least 12 months when there are no pother obvious pathological or physiological causes. If a woman does not have a cycle for 9 months and then her cycle returns in the 10th month, she is not officially in menopause according to this definition.

What is the average age of natural menopause in the United States?

On average, most women in the USA will experience menopause by the age of 51. There are cases however where women may experience menopause much earlier, or later in life. Before the age of 40, menopause is abnormal- this is known as premature ovarian failure.

What are some of the symptoms that I can expect before I officially enter menopause?

There is a period known as the perimenopausal years which occur after the reproductive years, but before the onset of menopause. This timeframe is characterized by irregular menstrual cycles, endocrine changes, symptoms such as hot flashes, sleep disturbances, vaginal dryness, mood changes and changes in libido.

How can Dykal Health and Wellness manage the symptomatology associated with perimenopause and menopause?

There truly is no singular approach to the management of these symptoms. At Dykal Health our goal is to collaborate with each patient to determine the best and most effective course of action. You may schedule a consultation with our clinician to discuss your concerns.
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